Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Recycling of Gases

An integral part to the sustaining of life within the biodome is the recycling of gases.  An Earth-like atmosphere would be ideal for the biodome because of the presence of human, plant, and possible animal-life. Earth’s atmosphere is comprised of about 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, and this would be ideal for our purposes considering that even in the International Space Station, the air has this same composition.

Assuming that our biodome has a balance of plant-life and animal/human life, carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by animals and humans can be separated by the plant life into breathable oxygen gas (O2) and Carbon that the plant uses. In a case of an emergency, oxygen can actually be collected from the atmosphere of Ganymede, which does have some oxygen within it. As long as there is an oxygen surplus created by the plants, we could also collect and store the oxygen created by them in case of emergency or departure from the moon.

Colonel J. Randolph

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